We Offer An Alternative Specialised Holistic Health Concept

Epiclinic Body & Health Diagnostic Centre

Anti-Convulsant Therapy Approach Considerations:

The goal of treatment in patients with epileptic seizures is to achieve a seizure-free status without adverse effects. This goal is accomplished in more than 80% of patients who require treatment with anticonvulsants. Many patients experience adverse effects from these drugs, and some patients have seizures that are refractory to medical therapy.

Mora therapy is desirable as it decreases the likelihood of adverse effects and avoids drug interactions. In addition, mora therapy may be less expensive than poly therapy, as many of the older anticonvulsant agents have hepatic enzymes–inducing properties that decrease the serum level of the concomitant drug.

People with seizures experience psychosocial adjustments after their diagnosis; therefore, social and or vocational rehabilitation may be needed. Many physicians underestimate the consequences that an epilepsy diagnosis may have on patients. Patients with epilepsy often live in fear of experiencing the next seizure, and they may be unable to drive or work at heights.

Re–recurrence risk.

Medical science purports that: Patients who have had more than one unprovoked seizure, treatment with an anticonvulsant is recommended. However, the standard of care for a single unprovoked seizure is avoidance of typical precipitants (alcohol, sleep deprivation etc); anticonvulsants are not recommended unless the patient has risk factors for recurrence. The risk of recurrence in the 2 years after a first unprovoked seizure is 15-70%.

On brain magnetic resonance imaging device, a focal abnormality in the cortical or limbo regions that indicates a possible substrate for an epileptogenic zone is the finding that most often suggests increased risk for seizure recurrence.